Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Wonder Woman Photo At the Top of This Blog

Me + Wonder Woman onesie + tiara + sparkly sunglasses + a children's book + our dog Luke photo bombing

I have a friend named Meg whom I have known for about 25 years. We both attended University of Chicago, were post-college roommates and, at that time, frenemies.  In our 20's we didn't get along because of Meg's college boyfriend whom I never liked and who antagonized me at every chance he got. Don't worry...I held my own in the face of one of the biggest jackasses the world has ever known. After moving out of the shared apartment one year after college I lost touch with Meg.

Fast forward many years: Meg and I reconnected on Facebook through one of our other post-college roommates.  We slowly realized we have a lot in common including a shared dislike of her post-college boyfriend.  Shared experiences make a great foundation for long term friendships even if you weren't that close back in the "old days" so Meg and I have a lot of fun telling stories about funny things that happened when we were roommates.  Now, as 40-something adults, we have become close friends.

Meg lives in the U.K. and makes an annual trip back to the U.S. to see family and friends.  Last summer she made a weekend detour to Austin to visit me.  We had a blast.  Spa treatments, walking tour of Austin, and lots of laughs.  Oh, and cocktails too. Many cocktails.

Meg knows that I have been giving all of my dear friends tiaras because every woman deserves to feel like a princess.  I wear my tiara all the time and when I am having a bad day it makes me feel just a little bit better to see the shiny jewels adorning my head.  Meg has a different item that she gives to the women in her life whom she thinks of as "wonder women".  And that leads us directly to the photo you see at the top of this  blog....

For Christmas this year Meg sent me and my husband and awesome box of gifts.  The best were the preserves she had made from things she grew in her garden.  She also infused a bottle of vodka with blackberries that grow in her yard and included a bottle with the package.  And a hilarious children's Christmas book called "Aliens Love Panta Claus" (subject for another post).  But the icing on the cake was the flannel Wonder Woman onesie she sent to me.

What is the best/most inappropriate way to thank a dear friend for a thoughtful gift?  A satirical photo shoot of course.  So my awesome husband took the photos while I posed in my new onesie wearing a tiara and pretending to drink the blackberry infused vodka straight from the bottle.   Of course I posted it on Facebook for Meg's viewing pleasure. She loved it. And I love it. And my friends laughed (which is what Facebook is for).  All in all it was a big fat inappropriate win!  

Best of all Meg is planning on getting more Wonder Woman onesies for her other dear friends to spread the word that all women need to feel like Wonder Woman sometimes....even if it's at home in your PJs. I hope that all of Meg's friends wear their onesies as proudly as I do.

PS: My husband says I can't wear my Wonder Woman outfit in public. He feels that would cross the line between inappropriate and "crazy lady".  What a party pooper. :-)


  1. Liz, my friend Nancy, who was the original recipient of a Wonder Woman onesie from another mutual friend, is so awesome that she actually wore it one morning on a dare when dropping off her twins at school. She kept going up to friends, tapping them on the shoulder to get their attention and then opening her coat to reveal the wonders. So it has been seen in public to great public approval. (Except perhaps the approval of her sons, but we figure our kids are never going to approve of our actions anyway, so we might as well do as we like.) Tell Mr. Hogue to stick that in his pipe and smoke it!

  2. P.S. Tell him he is still dead to me, following on spilling the beans about a Christmas present. I will therefore be daring you to do all the more wildly inappropriate behavior just to embarrass him....

    1. Meg - did you say you dare me to be inappropriate??? Challenge accepted. BTW - Your gift is WAY late because I am waiting for a few things I ordered and they haven't arrived yet. Instead of a Christmas gift you will have to think of it has a "Happy January!" gift.

  3. Meg - did you say you dare me to be inappropriate??? Challenge accepted. BTW - Your gift is WAY late because I am waiting for a few things I ordered and they haven't arrived yet. Instead of a Christmas gift you will have to think of it has a "Happy January!" gift.
