Sunday, April 20, 2014

Inappropriate Easter

Hello there, my fellow enthusiasts of all things inappropriate.  My husband has been giving me a hard time about not updating my blog so I decided that I had better get in gear and write some inappropriate stuff.  Since I haven’t posted in awhile I have been saving up inappropriate things for this blog. 

But before we get into inappropriate stuff let me explain why I haven’t posted in awhile.  One word: laziness.  Blogger is owned by Google and, in addition to my Blogger account, I use Google’s gmail for my work email. I also have a personal gmail account that has the same login information as my Blogger login.  I keep my work email open all the time on my computer but when I log into Blogger to update the blog, for some reason, Google automatically logs me out of my work email and into my personal email, which I never use because I have that forwarded to my work email.  So then after I am done writing in the blog I have to re-login to my work email.  Look, it’s all very complicated but, long story short, it’s Google’s fault I haven’t updated the blog in awhile. 

So lets got on to our inappropriateness. I think today we will highlight some inappropriate photos.

My friend Susan and her husband have been on a road trip that started at their home in Oklahoma and ended in Idaho where they dropped their daughter off at college.  They are now on the way back home.  One thing I love about Susan is that she has a real knack for identifying and photographing inappropriate things.  And, let me tell you, there is a whole lot of inappropriate at truck stops and gas stations in the middle of the US.

Here are a few of the photos Susan took for me:

This is beyond creepy.
What is this thing?
The best part is that she took this photo and I fell in love with this, “so unbelievably ugly that its cute” cat creature.  So Susan bought it for me.  I can’t wait for  it to arrive in my home so I can name it and put it on my desk which is where it will live. 

Someone actually spent time designing this thing. And I love it.

This is the back of the ugly cat above.  It's like a mullet: business in the front and a party in the back.

My husband found these “Seriously? Are people actually buying these things?” underpants online. He is threatening to buy a pair. I have begged him not to but I don’t know what he is capable of.  It’s tearing at the very fabric of our otherwise peaceful and bear-free home. To be continued…

Just to prove this monstrosity isn't photoshopped here is the link to Firebox.

And finally, since it’s Easter Sunday, I present to you my inappropriate and weird Easter music video. You’re welcome.